Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Look to the top right corner... a new mtv to the blog...
I have changed the video on my blog (see top right hand corner). Its now Chao Ren by Mayday, dated back to 2004. For some I can feel with the lyrics, but i guess the most important about this song is the arrangement. Its very simple, yet moving. It begin with a piano solo. Then come in the string orchestra after the first stanza. By the second stanza, a drummer pops in (together with the bassist) but the attention is on the drummer and it ended off with the bassist to bring the emotion up. Fine, I don't have strong musical background knowledge and cannot really comment more. But this song has very simple arrangement, simple layering, yet the impact is there. It beats alot of DJs out there who tries to complicate things. Somehow, I can imagine how this song will sound like LIVE. Due the simplicity of the arrangement, it is very easy to create atmosphere with it. At this point, I feel the urge to justify the way i sing. Somehow, I no longer believe in following the way the original singer sings it. On one hand, yes, it brings out the mood of the song... but it only does so GIVEN their personality. To carry the song my way, i have to do it my style and sometime, for certain songs, i do have a whole new way to arrange such that the song can be given a new feel.
Was chatting to a friend last night. Somehow, school life get worse each day. People get more and more studious and spoils the bell curve. the profs thought their exams have become too easy and raised the difficulty and alter the curve. Hello? EVERYONE, it gets kinda dumb right? I have no idea why is everybody trying to race to kill themselves. Nonetheless, i realise how lowly i rate my studies in terms of priority. Most people around me covets for mega financial companies, civil service. As a matter of fact, i know very little OF ALL THESE. I realise its dumb not to think of myself too much. Anyway... just to contrast our so called resolution:
Get an internship in a financial company
Pull up GPA by 0.2
Broaden business contact
Read up more on financial journals
My resolution:
Learn Rollerblading
Raise the profile of both my CCA
Get down to spending quality time on music
To allow some time for me to catch up with friends EVERYDAY
Slim down abit
To get certain aspect of my life moving
Hmm... somehow i feel like a bimbo after listing that down. At this age, I have no plans for the future. Actually, i do have plan, but i know at this point of time, i am not up to it YET. Just to digress abit, Blogger almost made me sign up for a google account and convert to the new blogger, but after a series of forwards and backward, i manage to find some link to get out of a new signup. I can still have my way and there is nothing blogger can do to enforce it. i can openly post that remark here without fear that anything will happen to me. BUT, will i get my way around here, well... we know the ans. If i could, i would post why i think TT Durai will be let off lightly and why Saddem Hussein don't deserve to die. But of course, doing that will be nothing short of suicidal, and possibly a court case. That's the way it is here, I gotta face up to reality and move on. But what can i be? NERD (highly possible)... damn. Back to my resolution... its 3rd week of january, hmm at least, i know i am still on course to acheiving everything.
Next topic: the purpose of this blog. no purpose? i think its part of my attempt to get contact with my peers who don't really have the time to spend with me. i hope they will read the blog and grasp wat goes on in my life (which i hardly mention). of course, sometime, i hope by reading my post, they can be comforted that in life, somethings never change, the ty they know still lurks. In some sense, i meant this to be a demand driven blog. i will post where my sensing lies and hopefully, it can make people think.
I was the reading the papers last week... and i realise Shanmugam actually said something stupid about Durai: You're a dishonest liar. Lawyers are just so good at it right? using words like this to play up emotion. Come on, both words there are repetitive. so in close examination, the meaning of the sentence actually means the opposite. A liar is suppose to lie. But by being dishonest, he is not doing what a liar oughta do... therefore in this case the liar DON'T LIE. (for those of you who are lost, you can take as... by multiplying 2 negative number together... you get a positive number). Come on Shanmugam, you're wordplay backfire... and please don't try to fool a judge, it doesn't work that way. if even a person like me and find such a big error like this...who knows what other errors you have made in court that has went undetected to most of layman's ear but certainly has been caught by judge.
posted @ 9:52 AM ||