Saturday, October 21, 2006

Contrary to popular belief... i ain't a dictator/communist

You are a

Social Liberal
(70% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(28% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on OkCupid Free Online Dating
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test

posted @ 7:53 PM ||

Intermezzo 2006

One of those crazy nights.... where ty goes RETRO. Super max poser. I am capable of that. Many people ask me why i do it. To be real honest, it wasn't for myself, but more because i feel that the event needed more mood and atmosphere which wasn't in place. so took it on myself to create something. of course, it helped that i see this damn seh shirt which i got for bdae this year still idling inside there... time to show its prowess.
on a heavier note, the event made me realise how hungry some people are just for power. it is only the first event done by the new exco and already i see people falling prey to power. of course, i had saw it coming long before many of them even run for the position. i did ask myself, do i want to stand at their position. NO... simple answer but it represent where i am coming from. i shall not be part of this ex-co even if i am up to it. beneath all this power struggle. there have to have people who are willing to come forward to do something for the community. that is one important lesson that interns from cdc has taught me and that is one important lesson which i will take it upon myself to impart. and hence that explains my nick: the better your resume, the lousier you are in person. it only goes to show how good you are throat cutting, ousting peers and being a poser. nothing much genuine nor impressive. spending time to build a resume or friend? your choice. and the sad truth is as we grow older, friendship are less important.

posted @ 12:24 AM ||

Sunday, October 15, 2006

What in a name?

My name is Tianyu (duh). But i realise few people ever called me that. At different stages of my life, i have people calling me different names. Sometimes mocking, sometime stupid... names like Apple, Yandao, Eland, basically for all these names, there are quite some people who would associate them with me. Honestly, i like my name, it feels powerful and it commands respect. but strangely, as times goes by, lesser people call me by my name each day. does it really matter? actually, with age, it didn't really matter anymore. what is more important is how to get people to remember me for who i am.
what is my biggest strength as a person? honestly, i think its my my sharp sense and my abilities to analyse a person's character. i always pride myself in my abilities to lend a listening ears to others. i give weird unorthodox advices sometime (more rather, more often than not) but i believe a series of weird advices= right solution. strangely, in this school, no one sees me as that type of person. though sometime, i can see from afar what goes on in their lives. but i cannot walk up to them and say, honestly, i roughly can guess what has just happen, cos that will be too creepy.
i don't mind being their for others. i don't mind spending more time on others than on myself. that is what being ty is all about. paying it forward. i help u, u help others and so on and so forth. an idealistic school of thought... yes. but it beats fanactical mentality. though utopic, i think it will be well endorsed by legislation. that is, if they take time to ponder over it.

posted @ 12:51 AM ||

Saturday, October 14, 2006


I pass by a tuition centre whilst i was on my way home. Wad a crowd. I never understand the need for tuition, always believed in flair. but i guess many people live their lives without realising their talents and potential. i was fortunate, but not many are as fortunate as me.
i remember there was a time in primary school where my cliques are a bunch of misfits, academically they are not well off. spent a large deal of time with them at the basketball court at my void deck playing and idling time away. primary 4 streaming, with some stroke of luck, i got into em1 and that differentiates us. in my cca (table tennis), no one cares about studies, these are my second core group of friend. once again, i was quite close with them. got into fights and stuff over really trivial issues with people from other cca. despite being a prefect, i do not care about rules. had my own "clan" and i exempt everyone under me from school rules. hahaha, born rebel. primary 5 was a turning point in my life. tagged with my sis to the Maths and Science CCA, spend the whole session solving challenging maths, but however, the teacher soon realise the speed at which i can solve problem is way faster than she could do it, i was given the opportunity to compete at some competition, beginning with Australia Maths Competition. Aced that, next school level competition and some individual, didn't top but got my school ono the list of top 10. in another competition, i was ranked top 2o individually. (many years down the line, the school i was became a centre of maths program, each time i return to have a look at the trophy rack of the school, i am still proud to look at the collection, i won't almost everything the school ever had). it was my ability to perform in maths that slowly separate me from my peers. but innately, i still have their blood flowing in me, my behaviour. Each time i look at kids from tuition centre, i can't help but wonder how i would be like if i hadn't got my lucky break. would i be like those people from my primary school, poly grad at best, and some, even become parents at 22. of course, on the other hand, i wonder if i had the luxury to go through tuition, i could have gone much further. i do feel i am peaking, there is very little left in me. but could that be attributed to a lack of proper education?

on the other hand, human are all nothing but a joke. when it comes to giving advice, we are just so good at giving commonsensical advice that most of us, in the spurt of emotion don't remember. how many times have you hear "face up to reality!" but when it is your turn to have a problem, you hide? i think i am awfully guilty of that. hahaha. each time i tell a friend to face up to reality, i am reminded of a fact of a part of my memory which i had shut out. too painful too even think about. there was a time where i was really lying on bed trying to gets it out, and it wasn't easy, and the best way was really to just lock it out.

hmm... some food for thought:
Ads for a brand of refreshment called NOwhere:
Come, try our Nowhere Fresh soya bean milk!

Proposed Ad for NUS business school:
NUS business school--- mind your own business dude.

posted @ 1:10 AM ||

Friday, October 13, 2006

The relaunch of the blog

Yep, as promised, i have changed the skin to something which i called my own. My own script, my own design. simple, amateurish but at least i dare say, you cannot find it anywhere else cos i got the picture using my own drawing from paint. also the content will have some change. i mean, hey, i am a self proclaimed bitch and my blog has so little of it. in fact, so far the blog totally geeky. weird thinking, weird everything. so from now on, thou shall blog more on personal life in addition to the geeks content.
for a start, yeah... my end of year trip to thailand. i was quite lazy and unmotivated about it till i finally started planning for it. got some books to read and i realise how big a bangkok i missed out the last time round. last time, i went in with just a map. this time, i will conquer it with guidebooks. woops... kinda turn off... but i guess its the best way considering i haven't realli spent as much time as other people researching
was on my way home, when i realised that one of my post (ref: number theory) has uncanny resemblance to the current binary system that computing used. Whilst i get everything in powers of 2. Binary has used a combination of "1" and "0" to get the same objective. wondering who is that genius who thought of it in the first place. once again, if i was born earlier, it could have been me. ARGH. so all i have now is a better understanding of binary and its application. doesn't seem much of a relevance to me.
beginning to realli think that most people have no idea who ty is in person after all. i thought i am quite successful in marketing myself in my school. but here is the flip side, i think i am too successful. people see me as the facade. but i really very few really know who the real me is. is that what i really want? i am only in my 3rd sem. i still can change. it is ridiculous to think that a soft spoken like me take pride in finding fault with people and saying nasty remark. but it is also disappointing that many of my peer sees me as that superficial person. i've tried to show in several ways other than my words that i care. but no one reads it.

posted @ 12:44 AM ||

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Probably the last entry in the old style, old skin, old content

Yes, i intend to do a major overhaul to this blog. Beside doing my usual "god knows what" posting, i will have more bitching stories. in the meantime, maybe i blog about something more relevant... ty's cheat sheet theory.
As some of you have known, i am a fan of cheat sheet. if i do ever become a teacher, i will have cheat sheet exam. meaning, i will allow my students to bring in only 1 piece of paper. i don't really care how they are going to squeeze. some teachers practice that too. Though not proven scientifically, cheat sheet is known to bring up class averages. It is actually quite commonsensical and intuitive if you think of the theory that goes on behind it. Or at least, it what i think it is. Firstly, your lifeline is only on 1 piece of paper, the resource is scarce. naturally that will make a person think of what are the most important thing to stuff onto the paper as it is impossible to have everything. secondly it forces you write down what you think is the most important point and that in itself has been proven the most effective way to remember--- write it down. thirdly, it takes alot of time and alot of rewriting and reorganizing to prepare a good cheat sheet. and by the time the final version is out, you will have way revised the content well enough. and by the time you walk into the exam hall, what is stopping you?
personally for me, i have been doing "cheat sheet" since secondary school. i actually develop my style from mind maps, basically, my cheat sheet is the core of my mind map and each brand is actually another standalone cheat sheet by itself and it keep branching out until... the whole txtbook? hahaha... but so far it has served me well... (probably bcos i am doing weirdo maths module).

posted @ 11:14 PM ||

name: Tianyu

Passion: Maths, Music, Table Tennis
sex: M
philosophy: many people knows different part of me, but one thing in common is i will not allow myself to fall

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