Thursday, April 26, 2007

Half Time Report:SMU

Time for me, to ego trip and shed some light as i conduct an interview with myself. DUH. Yes, I have got pass 4 sem in SMU... so as usual I did some reflection and yep, I will shed some light of what through my mind.
Q: In summary, how do you think you have changed in the course of the past 2 years?
A: Well, not much. I think the past 2 years, I have found a niche for myself, and to be who I really am. Something which had been oppressed for a long time time. As a person, I no longer thrive as much in adversity as I used to. which is actually bad news. but i think i ave certainly gone one full circle and back to where i have started at a young age.
Q:Any dark secrets?
A: There is something which almost everyone around me that I do which irks me. and BCOS almost everyone is guilty of it... I CAN"T SAY. damn it, else i will shitlisting all my friends.
Q: Shitlist? What's that?
A: One of my philisophy is to love you have to hate. and i don't go about hiding the fact that i hate ppl. in fact, i have a much longer shit list than friend list. yes, i am willing to make 10 more enemies to have 1 more friends. quality over quantity, and i feel its only when u take such a stand are you able to effectively communicate how u distinguish people in your life. i think the most fun part of the shit list is, i make sure it is communicated. ie to say, i make sure the other party knows i dislike them and i make sure they reciprocrate too. WOOT!
Q: Your thoughts on scholar?
A: A waste of money. Compile a list of all the scholarship holders in Singapore and point out to me who are the value of money ones (compared to normal singaporean). believe it or not, the percentage of useless bum is much higher amongst the scholar category than most cluster of the society.
Q: Civil Service
A: Maybe I was wrong, not all civil service are a waste of money and should be closed down, but some still deserves to be closed down.
Q: Minister pay rise?
A: Its flawwed, come on,admit it. a few comment, 1stly, donation to charity is double tax deductible. 2ndly, pegging against the top end of the spectrum, so if i reduce corporate text, i am actually increasingly my own pay scale? well done! you have just pegged ur own rate to the elitst.
on a more serious note, this is how this govt run the shows. prying on the non chalent attitude of singaporean towards resisitance and finding info. or making quickly round about change on its stance through word play.
Q: Elitism and the "grade ladder" in school.
The school is DEFINITELY not as good as it made itself out to be. Yes, its a GIMMICK. the school deals with cash inflow so promptly that you cannot believe it. but fpr cash outflow, it takes up 15 times the duration to get claims processed. and i dun understand why everyone is so concerned about grade. i will go this year to find out myself. honestly, a dean's list means nothing to me. i think... its for losers who need extra line in their resume to assure them of their capabilities. i don't think i need that.
Q: Short term future plan?
A: Not telling, u guys will know when the time comes.

posted @ 10:24 PM ||

name: Tianyu

Passion: Maths, Music, Table Tennis
sex: M
philosophy: many people knows different part of me, but one thing in common is i will not allow myself to fall

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