Saturday, February 17, 2007

the 3 type of people i see around me

Of the so many things that went through my life/mind in the past week, i have decided on something heavy to be blogged about for this CNY. At this point of my life, i need a getaway. from many things around me. most probably i will go alone. else, i do have 2 names in mind whom i want to stay by my side this period of time. of course, the 2 of you have no idea who you are (and chances are, i got this feeling, you peeps no longer read my blog). yes, as most of you do know, i need a lot of individual space to myself. what i want to do is to really get down to do proper music composition, research work which i can never seem to be able to do so in this place due to the so many things i have in life.
At this point of time, i remember i am one person who don't believe in permanence. yes, i do have many people whom i will consider as friends, but this group is always changing. and will continue to change. for me, i hope to be able to impart something which i had to each one of my friend, so that one day when we start drifting (which is really normal), at least we have "benefited" from the time we have spent with each other.
on a more serious topic, i realise people in general can be classified into 3 types based on their ambition. what is ambition? i know many people have define it slightly differently, but without reading up too much on other people's definition, i will use my own for the purpose of this entry (what's new right?). my definition will be simple, ambition is what i would like to look back at my life and be proud of what i have done at age 70. i have also decided against using technical terms to label these groups as i am not familiar with the names, and i didn't want it to be too nerdy.
the first type of people are what i call the selfish (unitarist?) people whose main ambition in life is themselves, and filling up their own wallets with wads of cash. the second type of people are the people whose ambition in life is towards the well being of their loved ones, i don't even have a name for this type of people, cos i dun think any theorist ever talk about them, but personally, i call them type B, the natural selection based on charles darwin theory of evolution. the 3rd type of people are the altruist whose ambition is to benefit mankind and society.
actually, in general, everyone has abit of all 3 mentality, for themselves, for their loved ones and for everyone else, but each one of us weigh these 3 issues differently and its how we weigh them that determine who we are in person. and of course, the perspective which we weight it the most will be the one
of course, i also realise a strong correlation between the school people come from and the type of people whom they belong. it began with the common saying that RI guys are politicians, chinese high guys are businessman. where did this saying coming from? no idea, but is it true? yes it is. RI peeps are possibly the most altrusitic people i ever known, with few exceptions, and chinese guys mainly falls into the 1st category and erm almost none of them ever have a altruistic mentality. it is this difference, in my opinion whichs explain the main difference between the 2 schools, and why it is so hard to see eye to eye with each other. there is no right or wrong actually, it is just being different. oh well, whilst it does change my understanding towards certain issues in life, it doesn't change the ri blood that flows in me.... bleah.

posted @ 11:50 AM ||

name: Tianyu

Passion: Maths, Music, Table Tennis
sex: M
philosophy: many people knows different part of me, but one thing in common is i will not allow myself to fall

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