Its easy to get what you don't want. its hard to get what you want.
I think this is one of the most overused phrase that many of us hear it so many times that we are sick and tired of it. but it is kinda true. i was lunching with some sch mates and they were openly gossiping about me. honestly, i thought i struck people as an attitude kid who wouldn't care much about people, but its kinda shocking how many gals i have been associated with. hmm... wait let me recall... 5? and the best part is, none of the names are even close guess. cmon... get a life peeps, you're 20 and you are telling me that plutonic frens between a guy and a gal is impossible? i have sisters too, dun tell me THAT IS NOT POSSIBLE. according to my friend, i am one of the most talk about guys in the faculty... geez, so much for trying to stay low profile. and so much for not coming up to defend myself and the rumours perpetuate... and the thing is, i have no idea how rampant it is until TODAY... and some of them has been ongoing for quite some time. but on the other hand... like i mention, the rumours aren't even close? why not close? cos what i want, i am miles away from even nearing it... that's why no one can guessed it.
somethings happen over cca... i have lost all heart for gaming for what smu has to offer, they play it way to competitvely even amongst themselves. yet, it is this very cca when the old exco want me to take over as president. on the other hand, i had a meeting with the table tennis peeps... they decide not to field a team this year. OMG... how can? i only like 3 years left... before i really called it a day, and you ppl just waste 1 year to NOTHING. how do i feel? table tennis is something which i still feel for. come on, i have been playing it since 1993. i have made it a sideline in my life bcos of other priorities. as a result, i know i haven't acheive my best in that area. so why not use my tertiary education to stage a comeback, and see how far i can go. but i realise not everyone share this "dream" and not everyone has this passion and if want to make it happen, i have to do more. i didn't wanna be in exco but i got rope in... but looking at the current direction. i have to be more than just that... hmm...
posted @ 10:43 PM ||
name: Tianyu
Passion: Maths, Music, Table Tennis
sex: M
philosophy: many people knows different part of me, but one thing in common is i will not
allow myself to fall *Elandriel*