Background: 2 guys A and B were tasked to come up with a transcript to a forum held earlier. There is one gal, C that is somewhat caught in between them (you can assume that is the current relationship, though somewhat untrue, as i have no intention to elaborate). Here is an interesting story from an incident from 2 person's perspective. Girl C: Guy B walk up to me to enquire where Guy A is. He is holding on to an edited copy of the transcript and was looking for Guy A so that Guy A can vet through it. Then Guy A pops by out of no where and ask me if i wanna attend a tea buffet for the staff. he takes a look at the transcript and left without even a reply from me. Guy B then left, having accomplish what he set out to do. i realise i didn't know the location of the buffet and i called Guy A to find out the exact location. knowing the location, i left the office, but i realise i haven't been to the meeting venue before and neither do i know how to get there, so despite being it so near the office, i take quite some time to find it. Guy A: I walked pass Girl C desk and realised Guy B standing there, in a suggestive position, holding on to a copy of the transcript and Girl C was reading it. Hmm... funny, thought both of us were suppose to work together, why was girl C in the picture. Maybe Guy B is trying to pull a fast one. Oh well, doesn't matter. I invited Girl C to a tea buffet for the staff as without another word, i took the transcript and head back to my own desk. dump the script and left for the meeting. soon, Girl C then called to ask of the location of the buffet. and despite the short distance, it took her 15 minute to appear. hmm.. probably too engross with Guy B.
i realise the huge difference between the 2 party perspective. i just suddenly found this illustration quite epic. many misunderstanding and quarrel bcos we fail to look at things from the other parties perspective. and that is essentially what the quarrel are all about. are quarrels good? maybe... but if we always remember to ask ourselves... how did that scenario appear from the other parties point of view, we probably can avoid a quarrel. but of course, if it boils down to a dispute... then go for it. avoidance for a dispute will, in my own opinion, worsen situation.
posted @ 12:05 AM ||
name: Tianyu
Passion: Maths, Music, Table Tennis
sex: M
philosophy: many people knows different part of me, but one thing in common is i will not
allow myself to fall *Elandriel*