Friday, February 23, 2007
Midterm break
i still want a getaway badly. i still wanna write songs.... over the past few days. many eventful things happen. here is a review in chronological order:
a)being a display on new year
yes, like all other new years, i am like a captive animal in the zoo being brought round by my parents to be "showcase" in front of our relatives. then they will past a few remarks and some even touch my stomach then give me ang bao (like how animals are given food in the zoo). being it or not, i haven't touch a single ang pao after receiving them, cos i really feel like an animal this year.... eugh...
b) nite supper... its about time we put words into action right? but hahaha... i quite impress with myself... drive so long despite not knowing the way to any place other than home and the lina/nina's place (cos its within 2km of my house).
c)wcg smu 2007
this is my first event in charge. full of crap. everyone leaves me in a lurch. i have to liase with the so many department in school and at the same time, the event coordinator. then i realise, actually this form of management really suck. i mean, yes i am be busy, but to be honest, i rather not delegate work away because it is just not time efficient. if i delegate work away, i end up having more people to contact and chase to get things done. sucks lo. but the thing is, when work are divisble, i cannot get the manpower i need. i have a large exc0, but even then, many of them are ineffective and are currently all not in singapore.
d) volleyball
yes, i pick it up all over again. for some reason, i feel i am a prodigy in this sport. the last time i played for my camp, i will it past 3 rounds of selection, after my first, 2nd, 3rd time of playing respectively. but obviously, i won't be in sch just to play volleyball. i was tricked. i arranged for basketball and it was cancelled last min and no one told me about it. so i ended up being the trainer for my friend's team. believe it or not, this is only my 3rd attempt playing and i think i did reasonably well. but of course, that come at price. my right arm is now horribly swollen.
e)ktv with some friends
honestly, yes, as usual, ktv for me is about breaking new ground. i chose a rock repetoire and my vocals couldn't last. but of course, no ktv session is complete with ty singing some really whiny songs!!!! woot. but of course, its this group of friends which i realise something really thoughtful. for most of u who didn't know, i have hearing problem for quite sometime, and i realise this grp of fren realli tried to adjust to me in their own subtle way, which weren't too obvious. honestly, that was really thoughtful, but my ear is recovering already. i can pick up quite a reasonable amount of sound of my left.
posted @ 12:18 AM ||
Saturday, February 17, 2007
the 3 type of people i see around me
Of the so many things that went through my life/mind in the past week, i have decided on something heavy to be blogged about for this CNY. At this point of my life, i need a getaway. from many things around me. most probably i will go alone. else, i do have 2 names in mind whom i want to stay by my side this period of time. of course, the 2 of you have no idea who you are (and chances are, i got this feeling, you peeps no longer read my blog). yes, as most of you do know, i need a lot of individual space to myself. what i want to do is to really get down to do proper music composition, research work which i can never seem to be able to do so in this place due to the so many things i have in life.
At this point of time, i remember i am one person who don't believe in permanence. yes, i do have many people whom i will consider as friends, but this group is always changing. and will continue to change. for me, i hope to be able to impart something which i had to each one of my friend, so that one day when we start drifting (which is really normal), at least we have "benefited" from the time we have spent with each other.
on a more serious topic, i realise people in general can be classified into 3 types based on their ambition. what is ambition? i know many people have define it slightly differently, but without reading up too much on other people's definition, i will use my own for the purpose of this entry (what's new right?). my definition will be simple, ambition is what i would like to look back at my life and be proud of what i have done at age 70. i have also decided against using technical terms to label these groups as i am not familiar with the names, and i didn't want it to be too nerdy.
the first type of people are what i call the selfish (unitarist?) people whose main ambition in life is themselves, and filling up their own wallets with wads of cash. the second type of people are the people whose ambition in life is towards the well being of their loved ones, i don't even have a name for this type of people, cos i dun think any theorist ever talk about them, but personally, i call them type B, the natural selection based on charles darwin theory of evolution. the 3rd type of people are the altruist whose ambition is to benefit mankind and society.
actually, in general, everyone has abit of all 3 mentality, for themselves, for their loved ones and for everyone else, but each one of us weigh these 3 issues differently and its how we weigh them that determine who we are in person. and of course, the perspective which we weight it the most will be the one
of course, i also realise a strong correlation between the school people come from and the type of people whom they belong. it began with the common saying that RI guys are politicians, chinese high guys are businessman. where did this saying coming from? no idea, but is it true? yes it is. RI peeps are possibly the most altrusitic people i ever known, with few exceptions, and chinese guys mainly falls into the 1st category and erm almost none of them ever have a altruistic mentality. it is this difference, in my opinion whichs explain the main difference between the 2 schools, and why it is so hard to see eye to eye with each other. there is no right or wrong actually, it is just being different. oh well, whilst it does change my understanding towards certain issues in life, it doesn't change the ri blood that flows in me.... bleah.
posted @ 11:50 AM ||
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Sueing my school for misrepresentation
Over the past few days, i embark on a crazy survey. yes, i was asking people for opinion, if i were to press charge against my own school.who is willing to support me? but before i reveal the results, maybe i present my case. Actually, i have no case. the inspiration for this movement is once again the NKF. but unlike sph, i don't really have a proper case to fight. what i have though, is information which the school will never want the public to know as it destroys their marketing effort. things like having non existence course being offered, poor internet service, and poor grading system. the whole aim of creating a new graduate is just nothing but a pack of lie. i should have known better, how different can a graduate get? but of course, i am just feeling the injust of how this school is being run like a business more than a school, how there is seemingly good enough reason to have a fees increment where it isn't really justified. But of course, being me, i like the thrill of executing a 空城计。Who would have imagine that in the year 2007, we can still apply such an age old tactic?
But anyway, i went round asking many people around me this question. and i had my result. Twice as many people are for suing the school than people who are strongly against it. (not bad...) but here's the next part which will probably nullifies everything. more than 80% wants to see it happen even though they do not want to be part of it (fence sitter again). But more interestingly are the breakdown of people who said yes and no.
The people who wants to go along: they are surprisingly people whom i am not close to. in fact, i only started asking these group of people after the first person in this category gave me a yes (which became my first "yes"). These are the people in the school who had interned at PA last year, though not in the same branch as me. It also occur to me that almost 1 year down the line, there is something which connect each of us that interned at that place. To put it in a negative way, we are kaypoh. we will fight for causes which we believe strongly in even though it doesn't concerned us and we get nothing out of it. In my own term, i called this civic minded. and honestly, it is with this, i dare say that none of the people had chose the wrong internship (even though yes, i didn't got good testimonials... but it was worth it).
People who said no: people who are on the scholarship of the school. people who didn't have to pay school fees. now, this is something which intrigues me. Their main concerns is that there serve no purpose to destroy the school marketing effort because it will affect our employabilty. What does this remark tell me about these bunch of people? a) they are selfish, they love their ass more than anything else. these are the bunch of people who always look at things from their own perspective. not that they don't see the problem, but they value their personnal benefit and discount everything else. b)these people are probably good at nothing too, i mean come on, the employability does not necessary come from which school you are from, its about how good you are. Come on, i am a confident about my own abilities regardless of where i studied. what is there to be scare. c) part of me suspect that these people too have something to hide which they do not want to let us know. already, i am having thoughts about the selection process. the scholars i worked are nothing but a bunch of disappointment. incapable or worse still, free riders. actually, to me they are also guilty of the 空城计 ploy which i had employed. but what really disturb me is the lack of scholars contribution towards the society. like many fiscal spending, this is one aspect which i felt has gone to waste. as usual, ty says, if i had the time, i will do an empirical studies. but i know such idea usually get put down even before the proposal can even be inked.
the bulk of the grp... an overwhelming 80% of these people are non chalant. most of them are my friends in school, whilst they admire me for my courage, they dare not commit to it. i don't blame them, they are part of the singapore education. i know for a fact many of them would have said a straight no, but bcos it was me who open my mouth, they say something like best of luck. but i think from this whole small exercise, i have displayed alot of things about singaporean's kiasu and kiasee mentality.
posted @ 6:19 PM ||
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Hand on the Wall 2007
The battle begin on 2 feb 1700 in the sess student lounge with 6 fit contestants to battle it out for our top prize--- the ipod nano. Just as everyone thought a prolonged battle is coming up, the economics top student of the 2005 batch, Tan Wenduan began to show signs of fatigue even before the hour mark. Kenneth Tan, an SAF scholar was sweating profusely and trying hard to keep his concentration despite the cold temparture of the room. These condition took their toll on both contestants as Kenneth and Wenduan both giving up at 1806, without even a bit of resilience that neither an SAF soldier nor a top student in SMU oughta have possessed. Kenneth disappeared for a date straight after dropping out with his supporter.
Most notably was the disqualification of Benjamin. He was trying to adjust the table in which his laptop is on. Despite having one hand stuck to the wall, the onlooker, the economics society president himself, Yang Yaosheng, did not even bother to help. As the table slip, Benjamin shifted his hand on impulse and was immediately disqualified at 0015. and it was down to 2 candidate—geeyong and yn ay.
At 0600, when both contestant still did not show any sign on ailing, the organizer decide to increase the difficulty by making both the contestant stand on one leg. Despite being in an unfavourable position, Geeyong outlasted Yn Ay, but that was not before both exchanged a war of words between them, with Yn Ay trying to persuade Geeyong to give up and spilt the prize. At 0707 exact, Yn Ay called it quit after 14 hours of battle and Geeyong letting go 6 second later.
posted @ 9:33 PM ||