Friday, June 16, 2006
Meanopoke Theory

This is the sign i have created in office today. Its actually meant to be worn by the meanest person of the day in office. Yep, another on of those days, where i draw weirdo pics using paint.
Apparently, the idea wasn't well received, and honestly I am kinda upset with the poor response. Though i have put the idea across casually, I did analyse the situation and feel that there is enough evidence to show that it works. Even then, we can look at it from another perspective, in the name of fun, people should just be sporting and endorse this idea.
Here's the theory part ( i have decided to make it more easily understood by the masses for this one as i feel this is a good idea that everyone should start practicing).
The underlying assumption to the development of the meanopok theory is that human are irrational. ie to say, a $10 loss with be remembered more vividly than a $10 gain. It also extend to says why human would rather buy a $40 pair of shoe sold at 50% off price tag will bring about higher sales than a $20 normal looking price tag. Human perceive loss more strongly than gain in a phenomenon of what we call is the assymmetric value function of utility. (economics student, you better know what i am saying so far... else... go find it out... alternatively, if you leave a comment, i can provide the relevant information).
If we were to extrapolate, we can easily extend the theory to say that we will put in extra effort to avert a loss than to have an extra gain (there's abit of diminishing utility in this, but i shan't go into that). so that's when the ingenious part come in. we all know pay it forward is about passing on good deeds or act of kindness from one person to another person. but frankly, who on earth would really go the extra mile to earn a "Pay It forward" badge or tag? but if we were to reverse it and give out punishment to those people who does something bad, they will TRY to avoid wearing that tag. after all, now there is negative utility in the form of "shame" and stuff.
So what we have now is reverse "pay it forward", instead of rewarding, we punish, instead of having people having good deeds done, we are putting a stop to bad deeds. however, right at this stage, i think its more important to reduce the amount of "bad deeds" and once we have substantial acheivement in this area, we can extend to the "good deeds" concept of pay it forward.
Am i making sense?
posted @ 12:28 AM ||
Monday, June 05, 2006
Some feelings... has returned.
Slowly gearing back into song writing mood. the void in my heart has gradually to be filled with colour, colours of emotions. After a long year of hibernation, maybe its time to set it free again. but the apprehension remain. its not easy. a wound will heal, but what about scars?
A simple lyrics, i did some minor tweak to a radio hit. see if anyone can pick out the song which i picked it from:
Unworthy (heck, i know my titles always sucks)I was young but I wasn't naive
I was told but I just couldn’t believe
As you turned around to leave me lonely
A pain so deep that I cannot carry it even if I had try
After all this time
Never thought I’ll be here
Never thought it will be you
My love for you is blind
But I couldn't make you see it
Couldn't make you feel it
That I loved you much
Deeper than I have known
And part of me died
When I realize you’re gone
Fall asleep only in hopes of dreaming
That everything would be like it was before
But times like this the truth is self revealing
It’s the unworthy that will hurt the you the most when you fall
After all this time
Never thought I’ll be here
Never thought it will be you
My love for you is blind
But I know you never see it
I couldn't make you feel it
That I loved you much
Living without my heart
Cos I’ve been hurt so much
It only you who can leave such a heartache in me… its you
posted @ 10:01 PM ||