Sunday, October 09, 2005


Geez, i missed the deadline of the virtusuo 2005. don't really cares about it anyway. hate deadlines. my world revolves mainly around my own timeline. haha.

i'm in a sombre mood right now and hence this song. don't think anyone know the real story behind this song, so you can only speculate. in the meantime, i would like to bring your attention to a story, the prince and the pauper. Sometimes i wonder, are their lives really so different? Why can't people be happy with what they have and live their lives? I am unhappy with myself, and i want to be someone different. Yet, when i look around me, there are people who walk into the exact position that i once walked myself into and i couldn't do anything about it. I was a competitive high acheiver who was totally independent. But i wasn't happy, the price of material success is high. I gave it all up, and become someone who lives by the day, by inspiration without much of an ambition and rise to the occasion as and when i need to (cos i know i can). yet the ironic thing is, people whom used to live my current lifestyle has defected as well.

here's the song:

你保持着沉默 我怎么才会懂
看着夜空的星 我对你的讯息
时间逐渐消纵 我迷失了方舟
实际上的接近 心灵上的距离

顿时刻的幸福 转眼间就失踪


仿佛失去 收藏的心灵
设法感应 没连结的心系
到底是谁的原理 我们不能在一起
不需要它人剖析 我们最终的结局


posted @ 9:17 PM ||

name: Tianyu

Passion: Maths, Music, Table Tennis
sex: M
philosophy: many people knows different part of me, but one thing in common is i will not allow myself to fall

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