Well, nothing productive happen today (is that an economic problem?). Other than brain storming and crapping. But hey, this is my first non- crazy entry. its really mundane. More importantly, its deals with work. Haha... life of a no-lifer. Here's are some ideas put forward today: 1)Why are badminton court fully booked on weekend even though prices are considerably higher? 2)Why are giordano selling umbrella for $6 on wet weather and $12 on dry weather? 3)Why does the number of taxi decrease significantly in the minutes leading up to midnight? 4)What grade should i aim for in SMU? Is there a need to get A+? 5)Why are consumer so enticed to shop when there are sales even though prices are not much lower? Why aren't firm doing it all year round to boost revenue? 6)Why do people in smu prefer to walk through the basement instead of the concourse when walking by the latter route takes far lesser time? 7)Why on earth is SMU keeping its parking fees so high even though there are excess parking lots? 8)Why does SMU practiced a close bidding system (BOSS) whereas NUS (IVLE???)practiced an open bidding system?
More ideas are welcome. Email me, call me or add a comment here, whichever you want. Honestly if you ask me, I am not comfortable with corporate blogging. But i like the idea of people coming to visit this site rather than me typing email to individual. Another thing about email is comment is limited to people whom receive the mail. This way, though slim, i get a chance to get comment from strangers.
posted @ 5:16 PM ||
name: Tianyu
Passion: Maths, Music, Table Tennis
sex: M
philosophy: many people knows different part of me, but one thing in common is i will not
allow myself to fall *Elandriel*