Tuesday, July 04, 2006


For some reason, I think many people is able to associate to this post which i am posting for once. Its on leadership. hahaha. actually despite posting so much, i still have no intention to pick up management science. i want to learn something new, something hard.
first and foremost, i've gotta establish that management and leadership are 2 different entity. a good manager is able account to higher authority. a good leader can account to his people. so right now we have a typical dilemma, to ans upward or downward. that is when many things turned out awry.
Its always easy to conceptualise, to plan, but execution is the hard part. there is always huge variance during execution. the key is be flexible. tianyu's rule: 20-80 rule. plan sufficiently and not excessively. anything that has a variance, don't bother. sleep abit more before execution to keep innovative ideas coming in.
one phenomenon always intrigues me. I realise when MP and ministers turn up as guest of honor for event, they will usually be basked with the staff of the organising committee, it seems to me the politician have been cut away from the masses and made to be perceived as being from a different class from the rest.
another thing is how good managers are at talking, most of them have little ground knowledge of the group of audience which they are serving. conceptualizing is always easy. anybody can do it. planning is abit harder because u need to anticipate. execution is the hardest because no matter how good u are, no way you can anticipate everything, the ability to adapt give is certainly viable and actually more of a flair. here comes the irony, payscale are inversely to difficulty of the job scope. the higher your pay, the higher up you are in management but the the easier your job gets. doesn't make sense right? for some reason, i feel somewhere along the course of history, some real smart but lazy alec has done something to build the power base such the lesser u do, the higher your pay get. the best part, they still talk alot, cause in their fantasy world, everything is easy.
Leadership is not a top down effect but a bottom up effect. Success is gauge on the audience and the follower. if your follower is happy, they will go the extra mile and the event will enjoy extra success that could be used to justify the eventual success. But unfortunately, for many high fliers in life, they will never know.

posted @ 11:01 PM ||

name: Tianyu

Passion: Maths, Music, Table Tennis
sex: M
philosophy: many people knows different part of me, but one thing in common is i will not allow myself to fall

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